イングリット&ドロテア外伝 王国貴族結婚余聞 Rumored Nuptials
Ingrid receives an unexpected proposal of marriage from a noble of rising status. As soon as Dorothea hears the name, she is adamantly against any engagement between them...
(士官学校 夕方)
Officers Academy | Afternoon
イングリット: はあ……。
Ingrid: ...
ドロテア: あら、どうしたの、グリットちゃん。ため息なんてついちゃって。
Dorothea: What's the matter, Ingrid? I never hear you sigh like that.
イングリット: ああ、先生、それにドロテア……。いえ、別にたいしたことではありません。
Ingrid: Oh, hi, Dorothea. And hello, Professor. Nothing's the matter. Well, nothing major.
ドロテア: そう?なら、いいけど……。
Dorothea: You don't look like it's nothing major.
Then again, I suppose you always have a furrowed brow, don't you?
イングリット: それはまあ、いろいろと……。何かと悩みの種は尽きませんので……。
Ingrid: Truth be told, there's rather a lot going on. It seems that there's always something to worry about...
Choice 1: 悩みの種? What do you worry about?
イングリット: 問題を起こしてばかりの幼馴染のことや、実家のこと、とか……。
Ingrid: A childhood friend who's always causing trouble, my family... Things like that.
Choice 2: 今はどんな悩みを? What's worrying you right now?
イングリット: え? 今、ですか……? わざわざ話して聞かせるようなことでもないのですが……。
Ingrid: Now? Oh, I really did not wish to bother you with such trivialities...
イングリット: その……実を言うと、ですね。つい先日、父から手紙が届きまして。
Ingrid: You see, I received a letter from my father recently.
ドロテア: あら、ガラテア伯から?いいわねえ、娘想いの優しいお父様で。
Dorothea: From Count Galatea? What a kind gentleman to have for a father.
イングリット: ええと……それは、そうなのですが。内容が問題で、ですね……。
Ingrid: I thank you. But the content within the letter is what I find troubling.
ドロテア: どれどれ……?……あら、縁談の話じゃない。
Dorothea: Let me see! Oh, it's a marriage proposal... For you.
Choice 1: 相手は知っている? Do you know the suitor?
Choice 2: 相手とは会ったことがある? Have you ever met the suitor?
イングリット: 面識はありません。名前は聞いたことがあって……
Ingrid: I've not met him, though I've heard his name here and there.
He began life as a merchant but has somehow achieved rank in court. An enterprising noble from an allied territory.
It's most likely that he wants the Crest of Daphnel that I bear to adorn his family name.
ドロテア: ふうん……ああ、やっぱり。……まあ、そうでしょうねえ。
Dorothea: Hmm, yes, that sounds about right. The jerk.
イングリット: どうかしたのですか、ドロテア?
Ingrid: You sound as though you know him. Do you?
ドロテア: グリットちゃん、私、この人知ってるわ。歌姫だった頃に言い寄られたもの。
Dorothea: Yes, I must admit that I know him. He tried to court me when I was a singer.
Best advice I can give you, Ingrid? Stay far, far away from this guy.
イングリット: ですが、多額の持参金を用意してくれると言っていますから、多少のことには目を……
Ingrid: He's offered a sizeable dowry, so I must at least consider it–for the sake of my family.
ドロテア: 持参金の出所を聞いたら、グリットちゃん、きっとひっくり返っちゃうわよー?
Dorothea: Dowry? Ha! Blood money. That's all it is.
イングリット: ……え?
Ingrid: Dorothea, I―
ドロテア: 貴女だって、血に塗れたお金で家を建て直したくはないでしょ?
Dorothea: This jerk's entire fortune is soaked in blood. Do you want to rebuild your own house using that kind of money?
I mean, it's all just rumors, but I think it still might be worth investigating.
What do you think, Professor? Should we go check this guy out?
Choice 1: 今すぐ行こう(外伝戦闘へ) Let's go. (Begin Paralogue battle)
ドロテア: 決まりね。それじゃ、学級のみんなに相談しましょ。
Dorothea: Great. Let's tell the others.
イングリット: え? あ、あの、私は……!はあ……わかりました。
Ingrid: Uh, really? OK...
Choice 2: すぐには無理(準備に戻る) We don't have time. (Return to previous screen)
イングリット: そうですよ、ドロテア。先生も学級の皆も、忙しいのですから。
Ingrid: That's right, Dorothea. No point bothering. All of us, including the professor, are far too busy.
ドロテア: うーん、残念。もし気が変わったら、また私に声をかけてくださいね、先生。
Dorothea: Are you sure? If you change your mind, Professor, just let me know.
ドロテア: もう……調べれば調べるほど、悪事の証拠が出るわ出るわ……。
Dorothea: Pft... The more we look into this guy, the more I see he's a monster, and no good for my Ingrid!
イングリット: ……本当に、そうでしたね。とにかく今は、大修道院に戻って……
Ingrid: No kidding. There's no denying it. We'd better get back to the monastery.
ごろつき: けっへっへ……待ちな、ガキども。
Rogue: Hold on a minute, you brats.
ごろつき: おとなしくそこの女を差し出すんだな。ちょっとばかり、用があるんでね……。
Rogue: Hand over the girl!
イングリット: えっ……私?……まさか、あの男が!
Ingrid: Surely you can't mean me. Wait... Did he send them?
ドロテア: 面倒事になる前に、グリットちゃんを捕まえてしまおうって魂胆でしょうねえ。
Dorothea: This jerk figures he can grab Ingrid before things get too messy for him.
Of course, we know the truth about him now, and he'll want to kill us and get rid of the evidence...
But we'll never let him take Ingrid. Come on, let's hurry!
ドロテア: 奴らの狙いはグリットちゃんよ。彼女だけは絶対に守らなくちゃ。
Dorothea: Protect Ingrid! Don't let anyone get near her!
ごろつき: へへっ……逃がしゃしねえよ。
Rogue: You'll never escape!
1ターン目 敵フェイズ終了
商人: 報酬は弾みましょう!一刻も早く彼女を捕らえなさい!
Merchant: I'll increase the reward! Now hurry up and capture that girl!
イングリット: あの商人が賊に指図しているのね!なら奴を倒せば、増援は止まる……?
Ingrid: That merchant is giving order to the Bandits! I bet if we take him out, reinforcements will cease!
ドロテア: 待ち伏せ!?グリットちゃんが危ないわ!
Dorothea: It's an ambush! Ingrid's in trouble!
イングリット: こんなところに敵が潜んでいるなんて……まったく、本っ当にしつこい……!
Ingrid: Enemies in hiding...here? They are really getting on my last nerve!
イングリット: ようやく……まけましたか。……迷惑をかけて、すみませんでした。
Ingrid: Finally! It's over. I'm sorry for causing such a mess.
ドロテア: いいのよ、気にしないで。それよりグリットちゃん、怪我はない?
Dorothea: Oh, hush. For you, I'd go through twice as much trouble. But are you all right? Did they hurt you?
イングリット: はい、おかげでこのとおり……。
Ingrid: I'm OK. Really. Thank you, Dorothea.
My father will need to hear of this.
ごろつき: さァて、捕まえた……ご主人様が、屋敷で花嫁の帰りを待ちかねてるぜ。
Rogue: Ha! Gotcha! Your future husband is eagerly awaiting his bride, you know.
ドロテア: そんな……!嘘でしょ、グリットちゃん……!
Dorothea: Oh no! No! Ingrid!
(食堂 昼)
Dining Hall | Daytime
ドロテア: あら、グリットちゃん、おかえりなさい。もうお父様への報告は済んだの?
Dorothea: Ingrid! Welcome back. Did you speak with your father?
イングリット: はい、おかげさまで。先ほど、大修道院に戻ったところです。
Ingrid: I did. I just returned to the monastery.
Byleth: 縁談はどうなった? What happened with the proposal?
イングリット: 今回の件を伝えたところ、すぐに破談にしてくれる、と。
Ingrid: As soon as I informed him of the suitor's unsavory tendencies, he rejected the proposal outright.
Were we to form ties with such an individual, it would bode poorly for our family, regardless of the weighty dowry offered.
ドロテア: そうねえ。ほんと良かったわ。
Dorothea: Oh, thank goodness! I'm so glad it all worked out.
イングリット: はい。……ええと、それから、実は。父に、これを押しつけられてしまって。
Ingrid: You and me both. My father also insisted I take this.
Byleth: 英雄の遺産……? A Hero's Relic?
イングリット: ……はい。当家に伝わる魔槍、“ルーン”と言います。
Ingrid: Indeed. This is the magic lance, Lúin, which has been passed down for generations within my family.
My father and siblings have no way of using it, since they bear no Crest.
Father told me I should take it and use it to protect myself with. He said it's far better used protecting his daughter than gathering dust.
ドロテア: やっぱりガラテア伯は、娘想いの素敵なお父様なのねえ。
Dorothea: Aw, that's so sweet! Your father really does mean well, Ingrid.
イングリット: 少々頭の固い人ではありますが……自慢の父、ですから。
Ingrid: He's unendingly stubborn, but I am proud of who he is.
イングリット: ドロテアも、先生も……いろいろとありがとうございました。
Ingrid: Dorothea, Professor... I want to thank you.
Choice 1: 気にしなくていい Of course.
ドロテア: そうそう、別にいいのよ。放っとけなかっただけだから。
Dorothea: We couldn't just do nothing while you were facing a life of being married to a monster.
Choice 2: 貴重な経験だった It was important that we help you.
ドロテア: そうそう。なかなか刺激的だったわ……ふふっ。
Dorothea: It really was quite exciting too!
So, you know, don't worry about it.
ドロテア: 私のグリットちゃんを渡すわけないでしょ、あんな紋章が欲しいだけの男になんか。
Dorothea: I could never hand over my lovely Ingrid to some jerk who only wants her for her Crest.
イングリット: えっ? はあ……いつの間に私は、ドロテアのものになったのでしょう……?
Ingrid: Oh? Do I belong to you now, rather than to myself?
ドロテア: ふふふふっ。
イングリット: あ、ええと……ドロテア。
Ingrid: Hey... Dorothea.
This is probably more than a little awkward, considering where it came from, but...here.
ドロテア: あら? ……指輪?まあ……もしかして!
Dorothea: A ring? Is this... No! Is it?!
Choice 1: 求婚……? A proposal?
ドロテア: ……グリットちゃんったら。貴女の申し出、喜んでお受けします。
Dorothea: Oh, Ingrid... I accept your offer!
We'll be together forever!
Choice 2: 口止め……? A bribe?
ドロテア: そう言われれば、その可能性もありますね、先生。
Dorothea: I mean, sure, I suppose...
Clumsy bribe though, giving me a ring and not telling me why.
イングリット: か、からかわないでください、ドロテア!そんなつもりで渡したわけでは……。
Ingrid: Stop teasing me, Dorothea! I'm trying to be sincere.
I wanted to find a way to emphasize how grateful I am to you.
So I looked for something from among my things that I thought you would like.
I mean...you may already have one like it, but I thought on the off chance you didn't...
ドロテア: グリットちゃん……。もう、しょうがないわねえ。
Dorothea: Ingrid, you are just adorable and I love it.
But perhaps we should lend this ring to our teacher for now.
Our dear teacher can best decide how to use it.
You found hard enough. You've earned the right to have a little fun.
イングリット: ええ……ドロテアにあげたものですから、好きにしてもらっていいですが……。
Ingrid: As you wish, Dorothea. I gave the ring to you, so you can do whatever you please with it.
ドロテア: ふふふふっ。
Dorothea: Haha.